Allergy Awareness Policy
Our School is a ‘Allergy Aware’ school. We are committed to providing a safe environment and we aim to protect students who suffer from severe allergies.
Anaphylaxis is a severe, rapidly progressive allergic reaction that is potentially life threatening.
Our School will strive to educate our Community of the risks associated with anaphylaxis .
Allergy Aware versus Allergy Free
It is not possible to eliminate all food with traces of allergenic foods, such as milk products, egg or nut allergens. So, Swan View Primary School knows it is better for our community to become aware of the risks associated with anaphylaxis and to put in place, age appropriate strategies to minimise exposure to known allergies.
Read the Policy: Allergy Awareness Policy
Good Standing Policy
Read the Policy: Swan View Primary School Good Standing policy
Head Lice Policy
Read the Policy: Head Lice Policy
Mental Health Policy
Read the Policy: Mental Health Policy
Raising Concerns Policy
Read the Policy: Raising Concerns Policy
Raising Concerns Guidelines
Read the Guidelines: Raising Concerns Guidelines
Standalone Bushfire Plan
Read the Policy: Standalone bushfire plan 2022-2023
School Talk Policy
Our school believes in ‘positive talk’ to all children in our classes, in the playground and at home.
We encourage children at Swan View to discuss their ideas and feelings positively with others through:
- Appropriate language
- No swearing or use of ‘bad’ words
- Taking turns to talk
- Listening to others
- Social conventions of conversation (eg body language)
- Group or class discussions
- Role play and social stories.
We use strategies such as:
- I like the way you said… That’s great school talk.
- I can see you feel angry. Let’s use our ‘School talk’ words to solve the problem.
Adults both at school and at home should be positive language role models for children. We need your support in promoting positive ‘School Talk!’
Please support the school at home by talking to your child about what is appropriate language and behaviour to use at school.
Uniform Policy
Read the Policy: 2024 Uniform Policy